What’s New in Iris#

v2.3.0.dev1129 (26 Apr 2023) [unreleased]#

This document explains the changes made to Iris for this release (View all changes.)

v2.3.0.dev1129 Release Highlights

The highlights for this major/minor release of Iris include:

  • N/A

And finally, get in touch with us on GitHub if you have any issues or feature requests for improving Iris. Enjoy!

πŸ“’ Announcements#

  1. N/A

✨ Features#

  1. @pp-mo and @lbdreyer supported delayed saving of lazy data, when writing to the netCDF file format. See : delayed netCDF saves. Also with significant input from @fnattino. (PR #5191)

πŸ› Bugs Fixed#

  1. N/A

πŸ’£ Incompatible Changes#

  1. N/A

πŸš€ Performance Enhancements#

  1. N/A

πŸ”₯ Deprecations#

  1. N/A

πŸ”— Dependencies#

  1. @rcomer and @bjlittle (reviewer) added testing support for python 3.11. (PR #5226)

  2. @rcomer dropped support for python 3.8, in accordance with the NEP29 recommendations (PR #5226)

  3. @trexfeathers introduced the libnetcdf !=4.9.1 and numpy !=1.24.3 pins (PR #5274)

πŸ“š Documentation#

  1. @tkknight migrated to sphinx-design over the legacy sphinx-panels. (PR #5127)

  2. @tkknight updated the make target for help and added livehtml to auto generate the documentation when changes are detected during development. (PR #5258)

  3. @tkknight updated the Installing from Source with Conda (Developers) instructions to use pip. (PR #5273)

  4. @tkknight removed the legacy custom sphinx extensions that generate the API documentation. Instead use a less complex approach via sphinx-apidoc. (PR #5264)

πŸ’Ό Internal#

  1. @bjlittle added the codespell pre-commit git-hook to automate spell checking within the code-base. (PR #5186)

  2. @bjlittle and @trexfeathers (reviewer) added a check-manifest GitHub Action and pre-commit git-hook to automate verification of assets bundled within a sdist and binary wheel of our scitools-iris PyPI package. (PR #5259)

  3. @rcomer removed a now redundant copying workaround from Resolve testing. (PR #5267)

  4. @bjlittle and @trexfeathers (reviewer) migrated setup.cfg to pyproject.toml, as motivated by PEP-0621. (PR #5262)

  5. @bjlittle adopted pypa/build recommended best practice to build a binary wheel from the sdist. (PR #5266)