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1. Speed up Converting PP Files to NetCDF#

Here is an example of how dask objects can be tuned for better performance.

1.1 The Problem - Slow Saving#

We have ~300 PP files which we load as follows:

import iris
import glob

files = glob.glob("pp_files/*.pp")
cube = iris.load_cube(files, "mass_fraction_of_ozone_in_air")

Note that loading here may also be parallelised in a similar manner as described in 3. Dask Bags and Greedy Parallelism. Either way, the resulting cube looks as follows:

mass_fraction_of_ozone_in_air / (kg kg-1) (time: 276; model_level_number: 85; latitude: 144; longitude: 192)
     Dimension coordinates:
          time                                 x                        -             -               -
          model_level_number                   -                        x             -               -
          latitude                             -                        -             x               -
          longitude                            -                        -             -               x
     Auxiliary coordinates:
          forecast_period                      x                        -             -               -
          level_height                         -                        x             -               -
          sigma                                -                        x             -               -
     Scalar coordinates:
          forecast_reference_time: 1850-01-01 00:00:00
          STASH: m01s34i001
          source: Data from Met Office Unified Model
          um_version: 10.9
     Cell methods:
          mean: time (1 hour)

The cube is then immediately saved as a netCDF file.

nc_chunks = [chunk[0] for chunk in cube.lazy_data().chunks], "", nc_chunks)

This operation was taking longer than expected and we would like to improve performance. Note that when this cube is being saved, the data is still lazy, data is both read and written at the saving step and is done so in chunks. The way this data is divided into chunks can affect performance. By tweaking the way these chunks are structured it may be possible to improve performance when saving.

1.2 Rechunking#

We may inspect the cube’s lazy data before saving:

# We can access the cubes Dask array
lazy_data = cube.lazy_data()
# We can find the shape of the chunks
# Note that the chunksize of a Dask array is the shape of the chunk
# as a tuple.

Doing so, we find that the chunks currently have the shape:

(1, 1, 144, 192)

This is significantly smaller than the size which Dask recommends. Bear in mind that the ideal chunk size depends on the platform you are running on (for this example, the code is being run on a desktop with 8 CPUs). In this case, we have 23460 small chunks. We can reduce the number of chunks by rechunking before saving:

lazy_data = cube.lazy_data()
lazy_data = lazy_data.rechunk(1, 85, 144, 192) = lazy_data

We now have 276 moderately sized chunks. When we try saving again, we find that it is approximately 4 times faster, saving in 2m13s rather than 10m33s.