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A package providing iris.cube.Cube analysis support.

This module defines a suite of Aggregator instances, which are used to specify the statistical measure to calculate over a Cube, using methods such as aggregated_by() and collapsed().

The Aggregator is a convenience class that allows specific statistical aggregation operators to be defined and instantiated. These operators can then be used to collapse, or partially collapse, one or more dimensions of a Cube, as discussed in Cube Statistics.

In particular, Collapsing Entire Data Dimensions discusses how to use MEAN to average over one dimension of a Cube, and also how to perform weighted Area Averaging. While Partially Reducing Data Dimensions shows how to aggregate similar groups of data points along a single dimension, to result in fewer points in that dimension.

The gallery contains several interesting worked examples of how an Aggregator may be used, including:

class iris.analysis.Aggregator(cell_method, call_func, units_func=None, lazy_func=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: _Aggregator

The Aggregator class provides common aggregation functionality.

Create an aggregator for the given call_func.

Aggregators are used by cube aggregation methods such as collapsed() and aggregated_by(). For example:

result = cube.collapsed('longitude', iris.analysis.MEAN)

A variety of ready-made aggregators are provided in this module, such as MEAN and MAX. Custom aggregators can also be created for special purposes, see Calculating a Custom Statistic for a worked example.

  • cell_method (str) – Cell method definition formatter. Used in the fashion cell_method.format(**kwargs), to produce a cell-method string which can include keyword values.

  • call_func (callable) – Call signature: (data, axis=None, **kwargs). Data aggregation function. Returns an aggregation result, collapsing the ‘axis’ dimension of the ‘data’ argument.

  • units_func (callable, optional) – Call signature: (units, **kwargs). If provided, called to convert a cube’s units. Returns an cf_units.Unit, or a value that can be made into one. To ensure backwards-compatibility, also accepts a callable with call signature (units).

  • lazy_func (callable or None, optional) – An alternative to call_func implementing a lazy aggregation. Note that, it need not support all features of the main operation, but should raise an error in unhandled cases.

  • **kwargs (dict, optional) – Passed through to call_func, lazy_func, and units_func.

aggregate(data, axis, **kwargs)#

Perform the aggregation function given the data.

Keyword arguments are passed through to the data aggregation function (for example, the “percent” keyword for a percentile aggregator). This function is usually used in conjunction with update_metadata(), which should be passed the same keyword arguments.

  • data (array) – Data array.

  • axis (int) – Axis to aggregate over.

  • mdtol (float, optional) – Tolerance of missing data. The value returned will be masked if the fraction of data to missing data is less than or equal to mdtol. mdtol=0 means no missing data is tolerated while mdtol=1 will return the resulting value from the aggregation function. Defaults to 1.

  • **kwargs (dict, optional) – All keyword arguments apart from those specified above, are passed through to the data aggregation function.

Return type:

The aggregated data.


Shape of the new dimension/s created by the aggregator.


**kwargs (dict, optional) – This function is intended to be used in conjunction with aggregate() and should be passed the same keywords.

Return type:

A tuple of the aggregate shape.


Data aggregation function.


Cube cell method string.

lazy_aggregate(data, axis, **kwargs)#

Perform aggregation over the data with a lazy operation.

Perform aggregation over the data with a lazy operation, analogous to the ‘aggregate’ result.

Keyword arguments are passed through to the data aggregation function (for example, the “percent” keyword for a percentile aggregator). This function is usually used in conjunction with update_metadata(), which should be passed the same keyword arguments.

  • data (dask.array.Array) – A lazy array.

  • axis (int or list of int) – The dimensions to aggregate over – note that this is defined differently to the ‘aggregate’ method ‘axis’ argument, which only accepts a single dimension index.

  • **kwargs (dict, optional) – All keyword arguments are passed through to the data aggregation function.


A lazy array representing the aggregation operation.

Return type:



Lazy aggregation function, may be None to indicate that a lazy operation is not available.


Return the name of the aggregator.

post_process(collapsed_cube, data_result, coords, **kwargs)#

Process the result from iris.analysis.Aggregator.aggregate().

  • collapsed_cube (iris.cube.Cube) –

  • data_result – Result from iris.analysis.Aggregator.aggregate().

  • coords – The one or more coordinates that were aggregated over.

  • **kwargs (dict, optional) – This function is intended to be used in conjunction with aggregate() and should be passed the same keywords (for example, the “ddof” keyword from a standard deviation aggregator).

Return type:

The collapsed cube with its aggregated data payload.


Unit conversion function.

update_metadata(cube, coords, **kwargs)[source]#

Update cube cell method metadata w.r.t the aggregation function.

  • cube (iris.cube.Cube) – Source cube that requires metadata update.

  • coords (iris.coords.Coord) – The one or more coordinates that were aggregated.

  • **kwargs (dict, optional) – This function is intended to be used in conjunction with aggregate() and should be passed the same keywords (for example, the “ddof” keyword for a standard deviation aggregator).

class iris.analysis.AreaWeighted(mdtol=1)[source]#

Bases: object

Describes an area-weighted regridding scheme for regridding.

This class describes an area-weighted regridding scheme for regridding between ‘ordinary’ horizontal grids with separated X and Y coordinates in a common coordinate system.

Typically for use with iris.cube.Cube.regrid().

Area-weighted regridding scheme.

Suitable for regridding between different orthogonal XY grids in the same coordinate system.


mdtol (float) –

Tolerance of missing data. The value returned in each element of the returned array will be masked if the fraction of missing data exceeds mdtol. This fraction is calculated based on the area of masked cells within each target cell. mdtol=0 means no masked data is tolerated while mdtol=1 will mean the resulting element will be masked if and only if all the overlapping elements of the source grid are masked. Defaults to 1.


Both sourge and target cubes must have an XY grid defined by separate X and Y dimensions with dimension coordinates. All of the XY dimension coordinates must also be bounded, and have the same coordinate system.

regridder(src_grid_cube, target_grid_cube)[source]#

Create an area-weighted regridder to perform regridding.

Creates an area-weighted regridder to perform regridding from the source grid to the target grid.

Typically you should use iris.cube.Cube.regrid() for regridding a cube. There are, however, some situations when constructing your own regridder is preferable. These are detailed in the user guide.

Supports lazy regridding. Any chunks in horizontal dimensions will be combined before regridding.

  • src_grid_cube (Cube) – The Cube defining the source grid.

  • target_grid_cube (Cube) – The Cube defining the target grid.


Where cube is a cube with the same grid as src_grid_cube that is to be regridded to the grid of target_grid_cube.

Return type:

A callable with the interface callable(cube)

iris.analysis.COUNT = <iris.analysis.Aggregator object>#

An Aggregator instance that counts the number of Cube data occurrences that satisfy a particular criterion, as defined by a user supplied function.


function (callable) – A function which converts an array of data values into a corresponding array of True/False values.


To compute the number of ensemble members with precipitation exceeding 10 (in cube data units) could be calculated with:

result = precip_cube.collapsed('ensemble_member', iris.analysis.COUNT,
                               function=lambda values: values > 10)

This aggregator handles masked data and lazy data.

See also


Aggregator instance.


Aggregator Class

iris.analysis.GMEAN = <iris.analysis.Aggregator object>#

An Aggregator instance that calculates the geometric mean over a Cube, as computed by scipy.stats.mstats.gmean().


To compute zonal geometric means over the longitude axis of a cube:

result = cube.collapsed('longitude', iris.analysis.GMEAN)

This aggregator handles masked data, but NOT lazy data.

iris.analysis.HMEAN = <iris.analysis.Aggregator object>#

An Aggregator instance that calculates the harmonic mean over a Cube, as computed by scipy.stats.mstats.hmean().


To compute zonal harmonic mean over the longitude axis of a cube:

result = cube.collapsed('longitude', iris.analysis.HMEAN)


The harmonic mean is only valid if all data values are greater than zero.

This aggregator handles masked data, but NOT lazy data.

class iris.analysis.Linear(extrapolation_mode='linear')[source]#

Bases: object

Describes the linear interpolation and regridding scheme.

Use for interpolating or regridding over one or more orthogonal coordinates, typically for use with iris.cube.Cube.interpolate() or iris.cube.Cube.regrid().

Linear interpolation and regridding scheme.

Suitable for interpolating or regridding over one or more orthogonal coordinates.


extrapolation_mode (str) –

Must be one of the following strings:

  • ’extrapolate’ or ‘linear’ - The extrapolation points will be calculated by extending the gradient of the closest two points.

  • ’nan’ - The extrapolation points will be be set to NaN.

  • ’error’ - A ValueError exception will be raised, notifying an attempt to extrapolate.

  • ’mask’ - The extrapolation points will always be masked, even if the source data is not a MaskedArray.

  • ’nanmask’ - If the source data is a MaskedArray the extrapolation points will be masked. Otherwise they will be set to NaN.

  • The default mode of extrapolation is ‘linear’.

LINEAR_EXTRAPOLATION_MODES = ['extrapolate', 'error', 'nan', 'mask', 'nanmask', 'linear']#
interpolator(cube, coords)[source]#

Create a linear interpolator to perform interpolation.

Create a linear interpolator to perform interpolation over the given Cube specified by the dimensions of the given coordinates.

Typically you should use iris.cube.Cube.interpolate() for interpolating a cube. There are, however, some situations when constructing your own interpolator is preferable. These are detailed in the user guide.


A callable with the interface – Where sample_points is a sequence containing an array of values for each of the coordinates passed to this method, and collapse_scalar determines whether to remove length one dimensions in the result cube caused by scalar values in sample_points.

The N arrays of values within sample_points will be used to create an N-d grid of points that will then be sampled (rather than just N points)

The values for coordinates that correspond to date/times may optionally be supplied as datetime.datetime or cftime.datetime instances.

For example, for the callable returned by: Linear().interpolator(cube, ['latitude', 'longitude']), sample_points must have the form [new_lat_values, new_lon_values].

Return type:

callable(sample_points, collapse_scalar=True)

regridder(src_grid, target_grid)[source]#

Create a linear regridder to perform regridding.

Creates a linear regridder to perform regridding from the source grid to the target grid.

Typically you should use iris.cube.Cube.regrid() for regridding a cube. There are, however, some situations when constructing your own regridder is preferable. These are detailed in the user guide.

Supports lazy regridding. Any chunks in horizontal dimensions will be combined before regridding.

  • src_grid (Cube) – The Cube defining the source grid.

  • target_grid (Cube) – The Cube defining the target grid.


Where cube is a cube with the same grid as src_grid that is to be regridded to the target_grid.

Return type:

A callable with the interface callable(cube)

iris.analysis.MAX = <iris.analysis.Aggregator object>#

An Aggregator instance that calculates the maximum over a Cube, as computed by


To compute zonal maximums over the longitude axis of a cube:

result = cube.collapsed('longitude', iris.analysis.MAX)

This aggregator handles masked data and lazy data.

iris.analysis.MAX_RUN = <iris.analysis.Aggregator object>#

An Aggregator instance that finds the longest run of Cube data occurrences that satisfy a particular criterion, as defined by a user supplied function, along the given axis.


function (callable) – A function which converts an array of data values into a corresponding array of True/False values.


The longest run of days with precipitation exceeding 10 (in cube data units) at each grid location could be calculated with:

result = precip_cube.collapsed('time', iris.analysis.MAX_RUN,
                               function=lambda values: values > 10)

This aggregator handles masked data, which it treats as interrupting a run, and lazy data.

iris.analysis.MEAN = <iris.analysis.WeightedAggregator object>#

An Aggregator instance that calculates the mean over a Cube, as computed by

  • mdtol (float, optional) – Tolerance of missing data. The value returned in each element of the returned array will be masked if the fraction of masked data contributing to that element exceeds mdtol. This fraction is calculated based on the number of masked elements. mdtol=0 means no missing data is tolerated while mdtol=1 means the resulting element will be masked if and only if all the contributing elements are masked. Defaults to 1.

  • weights (float ndarray, optional) – Weights matching the shape of the cube or the length of the window for rolling window operations. Note that, latitude/longitude area weights can be calculated using iris.analysis.cartography.area_weights().

  • returned (bool, optional) – Set this to True to indicate that the collapsed weights are to be returned along with the collapsed data. Defaults to False.


To compute zonal means over the longitude axis of a cube:

result = cube.collapsed('longitude', iris.analysis.MEAN)

To compute a weighted area average:

coords = ('longitude', 'latitude')
collapsed_cube, collapsed_weights = cube.collapsed(coords,


Lazy operation is supported, via

This aggregator handles masked data.

iris.analysis.MEDIAN = <iris.analysis.Aggregator object>#

An Aggregator instance that calculates the median over a Cube, as computed by


To compute zonal medians over the longitude axis of a cube:

result = cube.collapsed('longitude', iris.analysis.MEDIAN)

This aggregator handles masked data, but NOT lazy data. For lazy aggregation, please try PERCENTILE.

iris.analysis.MIN = <iris.analysis.Aggregator object>#

An Aggregator instance that calculates the minimum over a Cube, as computed by


To compute zonal minimums over the longitude axis of a cube:

result = cube.collapsed('longitude', iris.analysis.MIN)

This aggregator handles masked data and lazy data.

class iris.analysis.Nearest(extrapolation_mode='extrapolate')[source]#

Bases: object

Describe the nearest-neighbour interpolation and regridding scheme.

For interpolating or regridding over one or more orthogonal coordinates, typically for use with iris.cube.Cube.interpolate() or iris.cube.Cube.regrid().

Nearest-neighbour interpolation and regridding scheme.

Suitable for interpolating or regridding over one or more orthogonal coordinates.


extrapolation_mode (optional) –

Must be one of the following strings:

  • ’extrapolate’ - The extrapolation points will take their value from the nearest source point.

  • ’nan’ - The extrapolation points will be be set to NaN.

  • ’error’ - A ValueError exception will be raised, notifying an attempt to extrapolate.

  • ’mask’ - The extrapolation points will always be masked, even if the source data is not a MaskedArray.

  • ’nanmask’ - If the source data is a MaskedArray the extrapolation points will be masked. Otherwise they will be set to NaN.

  • The default mode of extrapolation is ‘extrapolate’.

interpolator(cube, coords)[source]#

Perform interpolation over the given Cube.

Perform interpolation over the given Cube specified by the dimensions of the specified coordinates.

Creates a nearest-neighbour interpolator to perform interpolation over the given Cube specified by the dimensions of the specified coordinates.

Typically you should use iris.cube.Cube.interpolate() for interpolating a cube. There are, however, some situations when constructing your own interpolator is preferable. These are detailed in the user guide.

  • cube – The source iris.cube.Cube to be interpolated.

  • coords – The names or coordinate instances that are to be interpolated over.


Where sample_points is a sequence containing an array of values for each of the coordinates passed to this method, and collapse_scalar determines whether to remove length one dimensions in the result cube caused by scalar values in sample_points.

The values for coordinates that correspond to date/times may optionally be supplied as datetime.datetime or cftime.datetime instances.

For example, for the callable returned by: Nearest().interpolator(cube, ['latitude', 'longitude']), sample_points must have the form [new_lat_values, new_lon_values].

Return type:

A callable with the interface callable(sample_points, collapse_scalar=True)`

regridder(src_grid, target_grid)[source]#

Create a nearest-neighbour regridder.

Creates a nearest-neighbour regridder to perform regridding from the source grid to the target grid.

Typically you should use iris.cube.Cube.regrid() for regridding a cube. There are, however, some situations when constructing your own regridder is preferable. These are detailed in the user guide.

Supports lazy regridding. Any chunks in horizontal dimensions will be combined before regridding.

  • src_grid (Cube) – The Cube defining the source grid.

  • target_grid (Cube) – The Cube defining the target grid.


Where cube is a cube with the same grid as src_grid that is to be regridded to the target_grid.

Return type:

A callable with the interface callable(cube)

iris.analysis.PEAK = <iris.analysis.Aggregator object>#

An Aggregator instance that calculates the peak value derived from a spline interpolation over a Cube.

The peak calculation takes into account nan values. Therefore, if the number of non-nan values is zero the result itself will be an array of nan values.

The peak calculation also takes into account masked values. Therefore, if the number of non-masked values is zero the result itself will be a masked array.

If multiple coordinates are specified, then the peak calculations are performed individually, in sequence, for each coordinate specified.


To compute the peak over the time axis of a cube:

result = cube.collapsed('time', iris.analysis.PEAK)

This aggregator handles masked data but NOT lazy data.

iris.analysis.PERCENTILE = <iris.analysis.PercentileAggregator object>#

A PercentileAggregator instance that calculates the percentile over a Cube, as computed by scipy.stats.mstats.mquantiles() (default) or numpy.percentile() (if fast_percentile_method is True).



To compute the 10th and 90th percentile over time:

result = cube.collapsed('time', iris.analysis.PERCENTILE, percent=[10, 90])

This aggregator handles masked data and lazy data.


Performance of this aggregator on lazy data is particularly sensitive to the dask array chunking, so it may be useful to test with various chunk sizes for a given application. Any chunking along the dimensions to be aggregated is removed by the aggregator prior to calculating the percentiles.

iris.analysis.PROPORTION = <iris.analysis.Aggregator object>#

An Aggregator instance that calculates the proportion, as a fraction, of Cube data occurrences that satisfy a particular criterion, as defined by a user supplied function.


function (callable) – A function which converts an array of data values into a corresponding array of True/False values.


To compute the probability of precipitation exceeding 10 (in cube data units) across ensemble members could be calculated with:

result = precip_cube.collapsed('ensemble_member', iris.analysis.PROPORTION,
                               function=lambda values: values > 10)

Similarly, the proportion of time precipitation exceeded 10 (in cube data units) could be calculated with:

result = precip_cube.collapsed('time', iris.analysis.PROPORTION,
                               function=lambda values: values > 10)

See also

The COUNT() aggregator.

This aggregator handles masked data, but NOT lazy data.

class iris.analysis.PercentileAggregator(units_func=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: _Aggregator

Provide percentile aggregation functionality.

This aggregator may introduce a new dimension to the data for the statistic being calculated, but only if more than one quantile is required. For example, calculating the 50th and 90th percentile will result in a new data dimension with an extent of 2, for each of the quantiles calculated.

This aggregator can used by cube aggregation methods such as collapsed() and aggregated_by(). For example:

cube.collapsed('longitude', iris.analysis.PERCENTILE, percent=50)

Create a percentile aggregator.

  • units_func (callable, optional) –

    Call signature: (units, **kwargs).

    If provided, called to convert a cube’s units. Returns an cf_units.Unit, or a value that can be made into one. To ensure backwards-compatibility, also accepts a callable with call signature (units).

  • **kwargs (dict, optional) – Passed through to call_func, lazy_func, and units_func.

aggregate(data, axis, **kwargs)[source]#

Perform the percentile aggregation over the given data.

Keyword arguments are passed through to the data aggregation function (for example, the “percent” keyword for a percentile aggregator). This function is usually used in conjunction with update_metadata(), which should be passed the same keyword arguments.

  • data (array) – Data array.

  • axis (int) – Axis to aggregate over.

  • mdtol (float, optional) – Tolerance of missing data. The value returned will be masked if the fraction of data to missing data is less than or equal to mdtol. mdtol=0 means no missing data is tolerated while mdtol=1 will return the resulting value from the aggregation function. Defaults to 1.

  • **kwargs (dict, optional) – All keyword arguments apart from those specified above, are passed through to the data aggregation function.

Return type:

The aggregated data.


Shape of the additive dimension created by the aggregator.


**kwargs (dict, optional) – This function is intended to be used in conjunction with aggregate() and should be passed the same keywords.

Return type:

A tuple of the additive dimension shape.


Data aggregation function.


Cube cell method string.

lazy_aggregate(data, axis, **kwargs)[source]#

Perform aggregation over the data with a lazy operation.

Perform aggregation over the data with a lazy operation, analogous to the ‘aggregate’ result.

Keyword arguments are passed through to the data aggregation function (for example, the “percent” keyword for a percentile aggregator). This function is usually used in conjunction with update_metadata(), which should be passed the same keyword arguments.

  • data (dask.array.Array) – A lazy array.

  • axis (int or list of int) – The dimensions to aggregate over – note that this is defined differently to the ‘aggregate’ method ‘axis’ argument, which only accepts a single dimension index.

  • **kwargs (dict, optional) – All keyword arguments are passed through to the data aggregation function.


A lazy array representing the result of the aggregation operation.

Return type:



Lazy aggregation function, may be None to indicate that a lazy operation is not available.


Return the name of the aggregator.

post_process(collapsed_cube, data_result, coords, **kwargs)[source]#

Process the result from iris.analysis.Aggregator.aggregate().

  • collapsed_cube (iris.cube.Cube) –

  • data_result – Result from iris.analysis.Aggregator.aggregate().

  • coords – The one or more coordinates that were aggregated over.

  • **kwargs (dict, optional) – This function is intended to be used in conjunction with aggregate() and should be passed the same keywords (for example, the “percent” keywords from a percentile aggregator).

Return type:

The collapsed cube with it’s aggregated data payload.


Unit conversion function.

update_metadata(cube, coords, **kwargs)#

Update common cube metadata w.r.t the aggregation function.

  • cube (iris.cube.Cube) – Source cube that requires metadata update.

  • coords (iris.coords.Coord) – The one or more coordinates that were aggregated.

  • **kwargs (dict, optional) – This function is intended to be used in conjunction with aggregate() and should be passed the same keywords (for example, the “ddof” keyword for a standard deviation aggregator).

class iris.analysis.PointInCell(weights=None)[source]#

Bases: object

Describes the point-in-cell regridding scheme.

For use typically with iris.cube.Cube.regrid().

Each result datapoint is an average over all source points that fall inside that (bounded) target cell.

The PointInCell regridder can regrid data from a source grid of any dimensionality and in any coordinate system. The location of each source point is specified by X and Y coordinates mapped over the same cube dimensions, aka “grid dimensions” : the grid may have any dimensionality. The X and Y coordinates must also have the same, defined coord_system. The weights, if specified, must have the same shape as the X and Y coordinates. The output grid can be any ‘normal’ XY grid, specified by separate X and Y coordinates : That is, X and Y have two different cube dimensions. The output X and Y coordinates must also have a common, specified coord_system.

Point-in-cell regridding scheme.

Point-in-cell regridding scheme suitable for regridding from a source cube with X and Y coordinates all on the same dimensions, to a target cube with bounded X and Y coordinates on separate X and Y dimensions.

Each result datapoint is an average over all source points that fall inside that (bounded) target cell.


weights (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Defines the weights for the grid cells of the source grid. Must have the same shape as the data of the source grid. If unspecified, equal weighting is assumed.

regridder(src_grid, target_grid)[source]#

Create a point-in-cell regridder.

Create a point-in-cell regridder to perform regridding from the source grid to the target grid.

Typically you should use iris.cube.Cube.regrid() for regridding a cube. There are, however, some situations when constructing your own regridder is preferable. These are detailed in the user guide.

Does not support lazy regridding.

  • src_grid – The Cube defining the source grid.

  • target_grid – The Cube defining the target grid.


Where cube is a cube with the same grid as src_grid that is to be regridded to the target_grid.

Return type:

A callable with the interface callable(cube)

iris.analysis.RMS = <iris.analysis.WeightedAggregator object>#

An Aggregator instance that calculates the root mean square over a Cube, as computed by ((x0**2 + x1**2 + … + xN-1**2) / N) ** 0.5.


weights (array-like, optional) – Weights matching the shape of the cube or the length of the window for rolling window operations. The weights are applied to the squares when taking the mean.


To compute the zonal root mean square over the longitude axis of a cube:

result = cube.collapsed('longitude', iris.analysis.RMS)

This aggregator handles masked data and lazy data.

iris.analysis.STD_DEV = <iris.analysis.Aggregator object>#

An Aggregator instance that calculates the standard deviation over a Cube, as computed by


ddof (int, optioonal) – Delta degrees of freedom. The divisor used in calculations is N - ddof, where N represents the number of elements. Defaults to 1.


To compute zonal standard deviations over the longitude axis of a cube:

result = cube.collapsed('longitude', iris.analysis.STD_DEV)

To obtain the biased standard deviation:

result = cube.collapsed('longitude', iris.analysis.STD_DEV, ddof=0)


Lazy operation is supported, via dask.array.std().

This aggregator handles masked data.

iris.analysis.SUM = <iris.analysis.WeightedAggregator object>#

An Aggregator instance that calculates the sum over a Cube, as computed by

  • weights (float ndarray, optional) – Weights matching the shape of the cube, or the length of the window for rolling window operations. Weights should be normalized before using them with this aggregator if scaling is not intended.

  • returned (bool, optional) – Set this to True to indicate the collapsed weights are to be returned along with the collapsed data. Defaults to False.


To compute an accumulation over the time axis of a cube:

result = cube.collapsed('time', iris.analysis.SUM)

To compute a weighted rolling sum e.g. to apply a digital filter:

weights = np.array([.1, .2, .4, .2, .1])
result = cube.rolling_window('time', iris.analysis.SUM,
                             len(weights), weights=weights)

This aggregator handles masked data and lazy data.

class iris.analysis.UnstructuredNearest[source]#

Bases: object

Nearest-neighbour regridding scheme.

This is a nearest-neighbour regridding scheme for regridding data whose horizontal (X- and Y-axis) coordinates are mapped to the same dimensions, rather than being orthogonal on independent dimensions.

For latitude-longitude coordinates, the nearest-neighbour distances are computed on the sphere, otherwise flat Euclidean distances are used.

The source X and Y coordinates can have any shape.

The target grid must be of the “normal” kind, i.e. it has separate, 1-dimensional X and Y coordinates.

Source and target XY coordinates must have the same coordinate system, which may also be None. If any of the XY coordinates are latitudes or longitudes, then they all must be. Otherwise, the corresponding X and Y coordinates must have the same units in the source and grid cubes.


Currently only supports regridding, not interpolation.

Nearest-neighbour interpolation and regridding scheme.

Suitable for interpolating or regridding from un-gridded data such as trajectories or other data where the X and Y coordinates share the same dimensions.

regridder(src_cube, target_grid)[source]#

Create a nearest-neighbour regridder.

Using the UnstructuredNearestNeigbourRegridder type, to perform regridding from the source grid to the target grid.

This can then be applied to any source data with the same structure as the original ‘src_cube’.

Typically you should use iris.cube.Cube.regrid() for regridding a cube. There are, however, some situations when constructing your own regridder is preferable. These are detailed in the user guide.

Does not support lazy regridding.

  • src_cube (Cube) – The Cube defining the source grid. The X and Y coordinates can have any shape, but must be mapped over the same cube dimensions.

  • target_grid (Cube) – The Cube defining the target grid. The X and Y coordinates must be one-dimensional dimension coordinates, mapped to different dimensions. All other cube components are ignored.


Where cube is a cube with the same grid as src_cube that is to be regridded to the target_grid.

Return type:

A callable with the interface callable(cube)

iris.analysis.VARIANCE = <iris.analysis.Aggregator object>#

An Aggregator instance that calculates the variance over a Cube, as computed by


ddof (int, optional) – Delta degrees of freedom. The divisor used in calculations is N - ddof, where N represents the number of elements. Defaults to 1.


To compute zonal variance over the longitude axis of a cube:

result = cube.collapsed('longitude', iris.analysis.VARIANCE)

To obtain the biased variance:

result = cube.collapsed('longitude', iris.analysis.VARIANCE, ddof=0)


Lazy operation is supported, via dask.array.var().

This aggregator handles masked data and lazy data.

iris.analysis.WPERCENTILE = <iris.analysis.WeightedPercentileAggregator object>#

An WeightedPercentileAggregator instance that calculates the weighted percentile over a Cube.

  • percent (float or sequence of floats) – Percentile rank/s at which to extract value/s.

  • weights (float ndarray) – Weights matching the shape of the cube or the length of the window for rolling window operations. Note that, latitude/longitude area weights can be calculated using iris.analysis.cartography.area_weights().

  • returned (bool, optional) – Set this to True to indicate that the collapsed weights are to be returned along with the collapsed data. Defaults to False.

  • kind (str or int, optional) – Specifies the kind of interpolation used, see scipy.interpolate.interp1d() Defaults to “linear”, which is equivalent to alphap=0.5, betap=0.5 in PERCENTILE


This function does not maintain laziness when called; it realises data. See more at Real and Lazy Data.

class iris.analysis.WeightedAggregator(cell_method, call_func, units_func=None, lazy_func=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Aggregator

Convenience class that supports common weighted aggregation functionality.

Create a weighted aggregator for the given call_func.

  • cell_method (str) – Cell method string that supports string format substitution.

  • call_func (callable) – Data aggregation function. Call signature (data, axis, **kwargs).

  • units_func (callable, optional) –

    Call signature: (units, **kwargs)

    If provided, called to convert a cube’s units. Returns an cf_units.Unit, or a value that can be made into one. To ensure backwards-compatibility, also accepts a callable with call signature (units).

    If the aggregator is used by a cube aggregation method (e.g., collapsed(), aggregated_by(), rolling_window()), a keyword argument _weights_units is provided to this function to allow updating units based on the weights. _weights_units is determined from the weights given to the aggregator (None if no weights are given). See user guide for an example of weighted aggregation that changes units.

  • lazy_func (callable, optional) – An alternative to call_func implementing a lazy aggregation. Note that, it need not support all features of the main operation, but should raise an error in unhandled cases.

  • **kwargs (dict, optional) – Passed through to call_func, lazy_func, and units_func.

aggregate(data, axis, **kwargs)#

Perform the aggregation function given the data.

Keyword arguments are passed through to the data aggregation function (for example, the “percent” keyword for a percentile aggregator). This function is usually used in conjunction with update_metadata(), which should be passed the same keyword arguments.

  • data (array) – Data array.

  • axis (int) – Axis to aggregate over.

  • mdtol (float, optional) – Tolerance of missing data. The value returned will be masked if the fraction of data to missing data is less than or equal to mdtol. mdtol=0 means no missing data is tolerated while mdtol=1 will return the resulting value from the aggregation function. Defaults to 1.

  • **kwargs (dict, optional) – All keyword arguments apart from those specified above, are passed through to the data aggregation function.

Return type:

The aggregated data.


Shape of the new dimension/s created by the aggregator.


**kwargs (dict, optional) – This function is intended to be used in conjunction with aggregate() and should be passed the same keywords.

Return type:

A tuple of the aggregate shape.


Data aggregation function.


Cube cell method string.

lazy_aggregate(data, axis, **kwargs)#

Perform aggregation over the data with a lazy operation.

Perform aggregation over the data with a lazy operation, analogous to the ‘aggregate’ result.

Keyword arguments are passed through to the data aggregation function (for example, the “percent” keyword for a percentile aggregator). This function is usually used in conjunction with update_metadata(), which should be passed the same keyword arguments.

  • data (dask.array.Array) – A lazy array.

  • axis (int or list of int) – The dimensions to aggregate over – note that this is defined differently to the ‘aggregate’ method ‘axis’ argument, which only accepts a single dimension index.

  • **kwargs (dict, optional) – All keyword arguments are passed through to the data aggregation function.


A lazy array representing the aggregation operation.

Return type:



Lazy aggregation function, may be None to indicate that a lazy operation is not available.


Return the name of the aggregator.

post_process(collapsed_cube, data_result, coords, **kwargs)[source]#

Process the result from iris.analysis.Aggregator.aggregate().

Returns a tuple(cube, weights) if a tuple(data, weights) was returned from iris.analysis.Aggregator.aggregate().

  • collapsed_cube (iris.cube.Cube) –

  • data_result – Result from iris.analysis.Aggregator.aggregate().

  • coords – The one or more coordinates that were aggregated over.

  • **kwargs (dict, optional) – This function is intended to be used in conjunction with aggregate() and should be passed the same keywords (for example, the “weights” keywords from a mean aggregator).


The collapsed cube with it’s aggregated data payload. Or a tuple pair of (cube, weights) if the keyword “returned” is specified and True.

Return type:

The collapsed cube


Unit conversion function.

update_metadata(cube, coords, **kwargs)#

Update cube cell method metadata w.r.t the aggregation function.

  • cube (iris.cube.Cube) – Source cube that requires metadata update.

  • coords (iris.coords.Coord) – The one or more coordinates that were aggregated.

  • **kwargs (dict, optional) – This function is intended to be used in conjunction with aggregate() and should be passed the same keywords (for example, the “ddof” keyword for a standard deviation aggregator).


Determine whether this aggregator uses weighting.


**kwargs (dict, optional) – Arguments to filter of weighted keywords.

Return type:


class iris.analysis.WeightedPercentileAggregator(units_func=None, lazy_func=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: PercentileAggregator

Provides percentile aggregation functionality.

This aggregator may introduce a new dimension to the data for the statistic being calculated, but only if more than one quantile is required. For example, calculating the 50th and 90th percentile will result in a new data dimension with an extent of 2, for each of the quantiles calculated.

Create a weighted percentile aggregator.

  • units_func (callable or None) –

    Call signature: (units, **kwargs).

    If provided, called to convert a cube’s units. Returns an cf_units.Unit, or a value that can be made into one.

    To ensure backwards-compatibility, also accepts a callable with call signature (units).

    If the aggregator is used by a cube aggregation method (e.g., collapsed(), aggregated_by(), rolling_window()), a keyword argument _weights_units is provided to this function to allow updating units based on the weights. _weights_units is determined from the weights given to the aggregator (None if no weights are given). See user guide for an example of weighted aggregation that changes units.

  • lazy_func (callable or None) – An alternative to call_func implementing a lazy aggregation. Note that, it need not support all features of the main operation, but should raise an error in unhandled cases.

  • **kwargs (dict, optional) – Passed through to call_func, lazy_func, and units_func.


This aggregator can used by cube aggregation methods such as collapsed() and aggregated_by().

For example:

cube.collapsed('longitude', iris.analysis.WPERCENTILE, percent=50,
aggregate(data, axis, **kwargs)#

Perform the percentile aggregation over the given data.

Keyword arguments are passed through to the data aggregation function (for example, the “percent” keyword for a percentile aggregator). This function is usually used in conjunction with update_metadata(), which should be passed the same keyword arguments.

  • data (array) – Data array.

  • axis (int) – Axis to aggregate over.

  • mdtol (float, optional) – Tolerance of missing data. The value returned will be masked if the fraction of data to missing data is less than or equal to mdtol. mdtol=0 means no missing data is tolerated while mdtol=1 will return the resulting value from the aggregation function. Defaults to 1.

  • **kwargs (dict, optional) – All keyword arguments apart from those specified above, are passed through to the data aggregation function.

Return type:

The aggregated data.


Shape of the additive dimension created by the aggregator.


**kwargs (dict, optional) – This function is intended to be used in conjunction with aggregate() and should be passed the same keywords.

Return type:

A tuple of the additive dimension shape.


Data aggregation function.


Cube cell method string.

lazy_aggregate(data, axis, **kwargs)#

Perform aggregation over the data with a lazy operation.

Perform aggregation over the data with a lazy operation, analogous to the ‘aggregate’ result.

Keyword arguments are passed through to the data aggregation function (for example, the “percent” keyword for a percentile aggregator). This function is usually used in conjunction with update_metadata(), which should be passed the same keyword arguments.

  • data (dask.array.Array) – A lazy array.

  • axis (int or list of int) – The dimensions to aggregate over – note that this is defined differently to the ‘aggregate’ method ‘axis’ argument, which only accepts a single dimension index.

  • **kwargs (dict, optional) – All keyword arguments are passed through to the data aggregation function.


A lazy array representing the result of the aggregation operation.

Return type:



Lazy aggregation function, may be None to indicate that a lazy operation is not available.


Return the name of the aggregator.

post_process(collapsed_cube, data_result, coords, **kwargs)[source]#

Process the result from iris.analysis.Aggregator.aggregate().

Returns a tuple(cube, weights) if a tuple(data, weights) was returned from iris.analysis.Aggregator.aggregate().

  • collapsed_cube (iris.cube.Cube) –

  • data_result – Result from iris.analysis.Aggregator.aggregate().

  • coords – The one or more coordinates that were aggregated over.

  • **kwargs (dict, optional) – This function is intended to be used in conjunction with aggregate() and should be passed the same keywords (for example, the “weights” keyword).


The collapsed cube with it’s aggregated data payload. Or a tuple pair of (cube, weights) if the keyword “returned” is specified and True.

Return type:

collapsed cube


Unit conversion function.

update_metadata(cube, coords, **kwargs)#

Update common cube metadata w.r.t the aggregation function.

  • cube (iris.cube.Cube) – Source cube that requires metadata update.

  • coords (iris.coords.Coord) – The one or more coordinates that were aggregated.

  • **kwargs (dict, optional) – This function is intended to be used in conjunction with aggregate() and should be passed the same keywords (for example, the “ddof” keyword for a standard deviation aggregator).


Help to clear the standard_name, attributes and cell_methods of a cube.


This function maintains laziness when called; it does not realise data. See more at Real and Lazy Data.

iris.analysis.create_weighted_aggregator_fn(aggregator_fn, axis, **kwargs)[source]#

Return an aggregator function that can explicitly handle weights.

  • aggregator_fn (callable) – An aggregator function, i.e., a callable that takes arguments data, axis and **kwargs and returns an array. Examples: Aggregator.aggregate(), Aggregator.lazy_aggregate(). This function should accept the keyword argument weights.

  • axis (int) – Axis to aggregate over. This argument is directly passed to aggregator_fn.

  • **kwargs (dict, optional) – Arbitrary keyword arguments passed to aggregator_fn. Should not include weights (this will be removed if present).


A function that takes two arguments data_arr and weights (both should be an array of the same shape) and returns an array.

Return type:

