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Support for conservative regridding via ESMPy.

Deprecated since version 3.2.0: This package will be removed in a future release. Please use iris-esmf-regrid instead.

iris.experimental.regrid_conservative.regrid_conservative_via_esmpy(source_cube, grid_cube)[source]#

Perform a conservative regridding with ESMPy.

Regrids the data of a source cube onto a new grid defined by a destination cube.

  • source_cube (iris.cube.Cube) – Source data. Must have two identifiable horizontal dimension coordinates.

  • grid_cube (iris.cube.Cube) – Define the target horizontal grid: Only the horizontal dimension coordinates are actually used.


A new cube derived from source_cube, regridded onto the specified horizontal grid.

Return type:



Any additional coordinates which map onto the horizontal dimensions are removed, while all other metadata is retained. If there are coordinate factories with 2d horizontal reference surfaces, the reference surfaces are also regridded, using ordinary bilinear interpolation.

Both source and destination cubes must have two dimension coordinates identified with axes ‘X’ and ‘Y’ which share a coord_system with a Cartopy CRS. The grids are defined by iris.coords.Coord.contiguous_bounds() of these.


Initialises the ESMF Manager, if it was not already called. This implements default Manager operations (e.g. logging).

To alter this, make a prior call to ESMF.Manager().

Deprecated since version 3.2.0:

This function is scheduled to be removed in a future release. Please use iris-esmf-regrid instead.

For example :

from emsf_regrid.schemes import ESMFAreaWeighted
result = src_cube.regrid(grid_cube, ESMFAreaWeighted())