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Every public object in the Iris package should have an appropriate docstring. This is important as the docstrings are used by developers to understand the code and may be read directly in the source or via the iris.


As of April 2022 we are looking to adopt numpydoc strings as standard. We aim to complete the adoption over time as we do changes to the codebase. For examples of use see numpydoc and sphinxcontrib-napoleon

For consistency always use:

  • """triple double quotes""" around docstrings.

  • r"""raw triple double quotes""" if you use any backslashes in your docstrings.

  • u"""Unicode triple-quoted string""" for Unicode docstrings

All docstrings can use reST (reStructuredText) markup to augment the rendered formatting. See the reST Quick Start for more detail.

For more information including examples pleasee see: